Tuesday, December 22, 2009


So, I have finally started our little family blog! Now we can all stay updated on our little family and of course, the little man who has stolen all our hearts, Daxton!

The last few weeks have been exciting and a learning process for us. From changing diapers, to getting used to functioning with only 3 hours of sleep a night, I have learned that the body is an amazing thing and heavenly father definitely knew what he was doing...although, I wish he would have done something about babies waking up every couple of hours during the night.

I have completely recovered from the lovely task of squeezing out a child and am starting my next challenge of losing the extra 20 lbs I have hanging off my waist:( I find myself in the awkward stage of having to choose between wearing my baggy maternity clothing, or trying to squeeze into my pre-maternity sweats with a lovely muffin-top. Unfortunately, I have chosen the latter. As most of you know, I failed at the motherly task of being able to feed my child the "natural way" so we have opted to supplementing with formula-which by the way, is soooo expensive, but I keep telling myself that many children have been fed this way and have led healthy lives. Sorry Daxy, I tried.

Mark has gone back to work, and in addition to working 3 jobs, he has taken on the task of being Mr. Mum on Friday and Saturday nights so that I can sleep! he is the best! He has taken a break from his Jeep for the winter but is planning on starting back up as soon as it warms up, who knows, maybe he can take our little fam 4-wheeling this summer! Mark is now teaching primary all by himself (since the pediatrician advised us not to take Dax to church for at least 12 weeks because of the flu season) and has been doing a great job of keeping our little CTR 6's from climbing out the window, punching eachother, and playing with the nursery toys-yaaaay!!!!

Dax had his 2 week appointment last Wednesday ( I know, I was a week late) he now weighs 8.4 lbs and measures at 22inches long! Our little baby is growing!!! One week after he was born, he was only weighing 6lbs so I was relieved to find out that he has finally put on the weight he had lost and a little extra too. Dr. Feindt, his pediatrician, said that he is almost in the 90th percentile and that he is long and lean...let's just hope he continues to be "long" and gets the height genes from Mark's side of the family. The doctor also said that within the next couple of weeks he should stop crossing his eyes and should start smiling!

Today's update on Dax:

He woke up 3 times last night, refused to fall asleep, and pooped all over my hand this morning! Oh, and for some reason he decided to spit up most of the breast milk I fed him too! I hope it was just that he was gassy and not that he has decided that he doesn't like it anymore, I am super paranoid about him not taking what I am pumping. He is currently laying in his boppy and making baby sounds *sigh* so cute...He is wearing a really cute brown and white striped hooded outfit today and looks soooo cute! I will have to post a picture.

Well, I hope that accurately summarized the last 4 weeks, I will make sure to keep this updated and to include plenty of pictures.


  1. Yay! I am so glad you started a blog...finally. Dax is just too adorable to handle. I need to see him again soon. It's been far too long. At least I get to see him on Friday!!!

  2. I am so excited that you guys have started a blog! Congratulations on little Daxton, he is so adorable! I am so excited that I get to see what is going on in your lives! I miss you all!


  3. I love your BLOG... and I miss you... and I can't wait to see you... and the boys... I pretty much almost cried because I loved your post. Beware, I am a crazy emotional pregnant lady!!! Placenta...

  4. Yes! I love looking at blogs!! I just wish that I had my own blog to keep up with...but I think it would be weird if I actually had enough to say about myself to have one. At least I get to check out the Dax Man lots now! The trick is going to be updating it!
